
Tiffany O - Pueblo, Colorado

"Thank you for sharing personal experiences"

Jeff S


Adelle M

"Loved how personal the presenter made the class, really made it interesting to follow along with."

Carie C - Tucker, Georgia

"It was great hearing from someone who lived an ethics breach of this magnitude! Learned a lot and enjoyed the lesson."

Bernadette G - Westminster, Maryland

"So open about his experience! Who better to teach a Fraud/Ethics class!"

Oscar C - Chandler, Arizona

"Good information and learning"

Martha G - Chandler, Arizona

"I had not expected anything, but I got a lot out of it and thought that Chuck Gallagher was fabulous!!"

Kim M

"Amazing course. Hit home for a lot of people. "

Carolina O - Westminster, Colorado

"Great Information."

Tracey P - Denver, Colorado

"Best class of the day. The speaker was a great story teller. I enjoyed this one. "